Friday, 1 January 2016

Winter Amusement in Bamyan

Winter is a jobless season in Bamyan because majority of Bamyan people are busy to agriculture and animal husbandry and in winter majority of Bamyan people are jobless and they for amusement play football, Volleyball, ski and come together and speak with each other and say history or fabulous…

Youth and children play volley and football together traditionally or conduct competition among villages and for coldness and snowy of Bamyan volleyball is common than football and football also has its players and fans.

Ski is another amusement in winter that in the past people did traditionally but now for coming of modern equipment especially youth play ski with new equipment and have ski clubs.

Adult come together in a sunny and warm place and speak with each other or discuss about political issues or share what media said about security, they say sometimes story, fabulous, tale and other travel account…

People hunt wolf, fox, deer… for different kinds for hunting of wolf people put dead donkey and replace the traps around it to get the wolf and for hunting of deer people go to the mountain and hunt deer with shooting.

Women also come together in a warm and sunny place and busy with handicraft, knitting… and do sewing in the home and women also say story, tale, fabulous and other problems that they have in the homes.

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