Friday, 8 January 2016

Depriving of Bamyan people from Electricity

Bamyan is a deprived province that there is not done construction with help of world countries in the 15 years especially electricity that people of Bamyan have not access to it.

TUTAP is an electronic project that come from central Asia countries to Afghanistan, according to survey of a company of Germeny by the name of FISHNAR that Bamyan is good way to transfer this project to come in Kabul.

Now some people who want to keep Bamyan deprive try to change the way of TUTAP project from Bamyan to Salang.

Parliamentarians of central regions of Afghanistan conducted a press conference today in Kabul and announce depriving of people of central regions of Afghanistan are not acceptable for them and they will not allow to change the way of TUTAP project.

Before also Bamyan people advocated for electricity that unfortunately had a bad result and people of Bamyan sent Harikain (kerosene lamps) to Imail Khan the minister of Energy and Water and Hamid Karzai the president of Afghanistan and Barak Obama the president of USA.

Bamyan people wanted to show that there is no electricity and we use from kerosene lamps and government should attention and prepare electricity for Bamyan people.

Minister of electricity misinterpreted from symbolic action of Bamyan and made a decision to do not prepare the policy of electricity of Bamyan.

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