Friday 15 January 2016

Peace Talking and Challenges

Preliminary quartet peace talking among Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and USA started in Pakistan at 11 Jan 2016.

The next session of quartet peace talking will conduct in Afghanistan on 18 Jan 2016.

Some people have not believe that peace talking cannot ensure peace in Afghanistan because the following points:

There is no unity idea inside of Afghanistan and also peace talking is unknown for people of Afghanistan and just presidency palace know that what they want from peace talking.

When peace talking finished in Pakistan the USA representative came in Afghanistan and described the issue to executive director of Afghanistan that discussed in peace talking and it shows that executive director is unknown about peace talking.

Another problem is no honesty of Pakistan that some people believe Pakistan support Taliban and in winter they save time for Taliban to equip itself and make busy Afghanistan with peace talking and deceive the world that Pakistan want peace in Afghanistan.

Some people believe until the border problem between Afghanistan and Pakistan does not solve peace does not ensure in Afghanistan because interfering of Pakistan to Afghanistan.

Some people believe, if Afghanistan does not decrease the role of India inside of Afghanistan, Pakistan continue interfering in Afghanistan and peace does not ensure in Afghanistan.

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