Sunday, 3 January 2016

Bamyan Addicted

Jobless, social problems, immigration to foreign countries, war… cause that a lot of people use from drug.

There is no law about smuggling of drug and transferring of them with helping of afghan troops with smugglers and no existence of punishment system cause that drug smugglers can transfer drug easily inside of Afghanistan.

According to one research Bamyan has 50 thousand addicted but majority of addicted are Waras district and majority of them came to Iran when they go for work or war from Afghanistan but came back addicted.

In everywhere of Bamyan smugglers can transfer drug easily with help of government security officials, if government decide can prevent from smuggling of drug.

There is no action by department of fighting against corruption to decrease addiction in Bamyan, there is no workshop about disadvantages of drug for people and their equipment to cure addicted.

USA helped Afghanistan about 7 billion USD Afghanistan government to fight against drug but there is no change in cultivation of poppy, smuggling of drug, and addicted.

Karzai previous president of Afghanistan announced if we cannot remove poppy cultivation the poppy will delete us.

Poppy cultivation exist and addicted increase in Afghanistan and helping for fighting against drug are not successful.

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