Sunday, 3 January 2016

Appreciation from Troops in Bamyan

People of Bamyan came together in Harikain (kerosene lamps) square in this evening in center of Bamyan and appreciated from Afghanistan troops about ensuring security in Bamyan
Bamyan is peaceful province of Afghanistan and there is no fight, Taliban and ISIS and people are the good helper of troops.

The transition of ensuring security from NATO troops to Afghan troops started from Bamyan and then to other provinces of Afghanistan and Bamyan is secure in NATO and Afghan troops’ era.

Bamyan threaten from its neighbor province like Baghlan and highways of this province that connect Bamyan to Kabul and Baghlan provinces are insecure.

All people of Bamyan gave their guns to government and help government for ensuring peace, rule of law, democracy, good governance, fighting against corruption.

Government, international NGOs, the world helper country did not attention in Bamyan to develop Bamyan and change the feature of Bamyan because of Bamyan remain deprived and undeveloped province.

Governor of Bamyan mentioned in an advisory session with people that social problems and misinterpreting from civil activities, political in Bamyan organizations caused that Bamyan could not develop but governor did not mentioned in weakness of governmental organizations, corruption in governmental organization, no transparency in employment and no attention of central government to Bamyan because of racial discrimination.

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