Thursday 14 January 2016

Election Should Conduct

Civil organizations conducted a press conference in Kabul and emphasized for reforming of election system and requested from government to conduct election in next year.

It is the time that choosing committee started its work for introducing the new commissioners for election commissions to president of Afghanistan.

Parliament of Afghanistan rejected the legislative decree of president about reforming of election systems that cause criticisms of civil society and called the rejection of election law is not according to Afghanistan benefits and constitution.

Present commissioners announced their opposition to reforming of election systems and they announced that they will announce the date of parliamentary election.

Anwar Haq Ahadi the previous finance minister with his group announced today that the National Unity Government is completely unsuccessful and they requested the soon presidency election and this government is not acceptable for Afghanistan people and people cannot bear it.

People are worry about election and if election does not conduct, Afghanistan will go back to before 2001 and all development will delete.

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