Tuesday, 12 January 2016

TUTAP as Political Issue

TUTAP is an electricity project of 500 KV that come from central Asia countries to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

According to survey of Fichtner Company that prepared 20 year master plan of electricity of Afghanistan this project should transfer from Bamyan to Kabul.

Now BRESHNA Company and ministry of water and energy wanted to change the rout of this project from Bamyan to Salang.

Parliamentarians of Bamyan, Midan Wardak, Daikundi, Ghoor… provinces conducted a press conference in Bamyan and announced changing the rout of TUTAP project is according to racial discrimination and it is not acceptable for Afghanistan people.

People of Bamyan also protested in Bamyan and denounced the changing of rout of TUTAP project and said if government change the rout of this project they will continue in their civic activities.

Muhammad Sarwar Danish the second vice of president wrote an open letter and broadcasted it to media.

Now in social media followers of Muhammad Karim Khalili the previous second vice of president announce that Khalili and its team try for no changing the rout of this project.

Followers of Muhammad Muhaqqiq the second vice of executive director announce that Muhaqqiq try for no changing the rout of this project and broadcast the presentation of Muhaqqiq about this issue.

Having electricity is the right of central regions of Afghanistan and advocacy is the right of every citizen but using every issue as political is not good.

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