Friday, 29 January 2016

Sahib Jan the Mother of Mazari

Sahib Jan the mother of Abdul Ali Mazari died at 104 year old in Qum, Iran and buried there.

Abdul Ali Mazari was the leader and founder of Hezbe Wahdat in Afghanistan, When Mazari sacrificed for the rights of deprived people of Hazara, his mother and daughter were in Qum.

Sahib Jan trained the only sister of Mazari (Zainab Mazari) and live poorly after Mazari in very deprived place of Qum.

Mazari did not collect wealth like other leaders of Afghanistan after the death of Mazari he did not remain any property.

Mazari just fought in Afghanistan to bring social justice and defend from rights of vulnerable and deprived people and he sacrificed himself in this way.

Sahib Jan spent all times of her life with other poor women of Afghanistan and bear all problems and did not complain from hard situation.  

Mother of Father

Culturist of Bamyan conducted anniversary session in Bamyan with lighting candles, poems and speech.

The preacher of this session was Sadiq Aliar the man who met the mother and daughter of Mazari after sacrificing of Mazari.

Sadiq Aliar said mother of Mazari was a hero and she trained Mazari who changed the history of Afghanistan.

Mother of Mazari abandon this world after 104 year old and she experienced all bad situation.

When Mazari sacrificed for ensuring justice in Afghanistan his mother and daughter were in far and deprived village of Qum, Iran in a home that Sazman Shaheed Iran presented it for the family of Mazari.

Aliar said in all mourning ceremonies refugees of Afghanistan went to home of mother of Mazari then the mentioned to us that small village has not the capacity to collect thousands of people.

Aliar said after dying of mother of Mazari there is not physically home for the name of Mazari because the daughter of Mazari started the new life.

Aliar wanted from all the participants to be the honest follower of Mazari and continue the way of Mazari.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Leonel Messi in Afghanistan

A 5 year old boy in Afghanistan is the crazy of Leonel Messi and he watched Messi one year ago through TV.

The boy name is Murtaza and he is from Jaghuri and he like football playing of Messi and wanted from his father to buy the shirt of Messi that his father could not because the shirt of Messi was not found in Jaghuri.

Murtaza bring a plastic pocket with the same color of Messi shirt and wanted from elder brother to write the name of Messe and NO 10, then Murtaza wore the plastic shirt and requested from his elder brother to take a photo and post it to Facebook.

When a follower of Messi post about this boy in Twitter then Iraq media broadcasted that he is from Iraq, after searching it was cleared that the boy is from Afghanistan.

The boy wanted from Messi that Messi send him his shirt and take out him from Afghanistan and train him football playing.

Mortaza play football every afternoon but has not a ball to play football he borrow a ball from his other.

The Second corrupted Country

Integrity Watch World announced that according to the new research Afghanistan if the second corrupted country among all countries in the world.

Afghanistan government cannot decrease corruption and every year increase the level of corruption that government promised international community to fight against corruption.

When National Unity government formed in Afghanistan, started its work with the slogan of fighting against corruption and opened the dossier of Kabul Bank.

Informant believe that Afghanistan government does not do anything to decrease corruption.

Government is not honest to fight against corruption and misuse from fighting against corruption, with slogan of fighting against corruption remove their rival from high ranking officials.

All reports which broadcasted by media about corruption and corrupted of high ranking officials but government does not attention to them.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Nose Cutting of a Woman

Reza Gul is a woman that her nose cut by her husband 10 days ago in Faryab the north provinces of Afghanistan.

Her family are not able to treatment and because of she does not cure in 10 days and her husband escaped.

Turkey is ready to cure Reza Gul in Turkey but she does not transfer to Turkey because of some problems.

It is possible to cure Reza Gul inside of Afghanistan and she does not transfer in Kabul the capital of Afghanistan for treatment.

Violence against women repeat one after another in Afghanistan but there is no punishment for people who do violence against women.

Besides of women activities of women activists in Afghanistan and implementing of a lot project in Afghanistan, women also sacrifice in Afghanistan like Ghor, Kabul… and now in north province of Afghanistan.

Cleanup attack in Baghlan

National army of Afghanistan started the cleanup attack in Baghlan province of Afghanistan and they are defeating the Taliban in Baghlan and it is a hope for people of Afghanistan.

High ranking officials of government went in Baghlan and signed an agreement letter that army could not attack on Taliban area that Taliban strengthen there and from Pakistan and other places terrorism came in Bahglan and forced people to join Taliban and it was a good opportunity for Taliban in north provinces of Afghanistan.

When Konduz province of Afghanistan occupied by Taliban Baghlan was collapsing and national forces of Afghanistan fight seriously.

Bamyan is a peaceful province of Afghanistan and it is the neighborhood of Baghlan that threaten from Baghlan borders by Taliban.

If government of Afghanistan want to clean up the Taliban from north provinces of Afghanistan, winter is a good season to defeat Taliban.

Army accessing to air force and government announce that after 2 months army will equip to equal of NATO forces and government believe that they defeat Taliban in the next year.

Advocacy Challenges in Bamyan

Advocacy a new value in Bamyan that all people and governmental organizations are no familiar with it.

Some organizations in Bamyan do not know about advocacy and CSOs and they opposite with advocacy and they do not share the data with civil activists because a lot time spend with cooperation without suitable result.

High ranking officials are not honest in fighting against corruption, by high ranking officials contravene law and they support from accused people to corruption…

People of Bamyan have not civic education and they do not know about advocacy and they do not trust to civil activists because of people do not share the exact data with civil activists and share wrong data with civil activists.

No punishment of accused people to corruption is another problem in the way of advocacy.

Misuse from advocacy and racial advocacy is a big challenge of advocacy that some corrupted hide to the back of racial advocacy.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Choosing Commission Stop its Working

Choosing Commission that formed to choose the next elections commissioners of elections commissions of Afghanistan stopped its working.

Rejecting of legislative decree about election reforming by both houses of parliament of Afghanistan provoked to stop the working of Choosing Commission.

Challenges for reforming of election commissions in Afghanistan and no serious action of government to reform election commissions increase worrying of people for conducting of next election in Afghanistan.

Asif Ashna the previous vice of spokesman of chief director of Afghanistan believe that Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan is not honest to conduct next election and he said Ghani sent legislative decree to parliament and campaigned among parliamentarians to do not approve the legislative decree.

Government of Afghanistan announce so call to reform election commissions and then conduct the next elections and government is honest.

If government does not conduct the next election, Afghanistan will has a bad situation in the future and all development of 15 years will lose.

Special Court for Financial Crimes

Minister of Financial of Afghanistan suggested special court for financial crimes for preventing of financial corruption and presenting the good services for people of Afghanistan.

Financial minister believe that state of Afghanistan has more reporting session to international community that people of Afghanistan and it is useful to state of Afghanistan report to people of Afghanistan.

Some people believe that forming of special court for financial corruption is just spending of budget and there are many organizations for decreasing of corruption but not one of them fight against corruption seriously.

Informants believe that Independent Commission against Corruption, attorney general and court are enough for fighting against corruption and these organization should support to prevent corruption.

There are so much corruption in Afghanistan and no one punish for corruption officials just accuse to corruption without judicial prosecution.

According to 8am daily report only 55% of development budget of government organizations spent in 1394 year because of low capacity in governmental organizations.

People of Afghanistan are deprived and need more help by government and inefficient government organizations cause to remain people deprive, if governmental organizations do not reform the situation is like this.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Revenge of Sacrificed

President Ghani said the government of Afghanistan will wreak from terrorism that kill innocent people and specially 3 women and 4 men of Moby group staffs in a vehicle by Taliban.

Ahamd Zia Masood the special representative of government to reform and good governance said terrorism want to shut up the voice of media and freedom of speech that cannot and it is impossible.

There are some questions if president Ghani want to wreak from terrorism why he does not clean government from people who support from Taliban in state of Afghanistan.

And if some people from inside of state of Afghanistan do not help terrorism how the terrorism come in the capital of Afghanistan and do terror attack.

Parliamentarians and other high ranking officials come in media and preach for Taliban and broadcast Taliban believing through media.

Cleaning of Taliban from three state of Afghanistan is necessary, if president is honest for fighting against Taliban.

Voice Taliban from Parliament

Homa Sultani the representative of people of Lower House of Parliament has written on her Facebook about suicide attack on Moby Group vehicle.

She wrote on her Facebook that zealots attacked in bastards vehicles and she promised paradise for attackers and she promised hell for sacrificed of this attack and she called the sacrificed of this attack son of America.

Homa Sultani before mentioned that Mullah Omer the leader of Taliban is on her home if government want she will present him on discussion session.

Some people believe that Homa has mental problems because she say and broadcast different things.

Other people also exist in state of Afghanistan who get salaries from government and support Taliban by equipment of state.

Spanta the previous security advisor of president of Afghanistan said there are some people in present and previous state that support from Taliban and do not want to Taliban punish or broadcast some against of Taliban by media.

40% Taliban who fight against government of Afghanistan freed from prison of Afghanistan in Karzai era presidency.

There are some people in Afghanistan who defend from Taliban and they are not agree to call Taliban terrorism and they call Taliban political opposition or unsatisfied brothers.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

New Regulation for Media

New Regulation about media in Afghanistan will implement after suicide attack on Moby Group vehicle in last Wednesday (black Wednesday).

According to regulation all media register once again and have to follow this regulation and observe the rights of journalists and media employees.

Before it correspondents have not rights of pensions, insurance and other facilities and if they kill or injure no one paid attention to them and this regulation make media to observe all rights of journalists according to the regulation.

Development of media and freedom of speech is the big successful of Afghanistan in 15 years and lack of law to save rights of journalist and media was the main problems.

According to report of NAI 4 journalists killed only in 2015 and injured journalists in Afghanistan but there was not any law to help injured journalists or family of sacrificed journalists.

Stations of media destroyed in Kundoz province by Taliban and a lot of correspondents lost their jobs when occupied by Taliban this year but there was not a law to support them.

Killing of journalists is the war crimes and Taliban does not follow any law and continue killing of journalists, children, women and innocent people.

Peace Is Not a Dream

Maryam Ibrahimi was the staff of Moby Group that killed in a suicide attack which happened to Kabul in the last Wednesday (black Wednesday) and killed 7 staffs and injured 25 staffs of Moby Group.

Maryam Ibrahimi believed that peace is not a dream and it will ensure in Afghanistan and she conducted many road exhibitions in Kabul and her wiring also remain at wall of Kabul homes that peace is not a dream.

Maryam Ibrahimi buried yesterday in Karte Sakhi, Kabul when her mother came from Pakistan, When Maryam sacrificed her mother was in Pakistan because of sickness and her father is in Iran for working.

National security agency announced that they arrested 8 terrorists from Kabul that has relationship with suicide attack of black Wednesday.

This a big terror attack on journalists in Afghanistan which had reaction in the world and denounced this terror attack from all the world.

Taliban accepted that this attack was conducted by them in Kabul and Taliban also threatened Tolo and 1 TVs to attack on them because of broadcasting after collapsing of Kundoz province by Taliban about 4 months ago.

People believe that this action cannot shut up the voice of media in Afghanistan.   

Friday, 22 January 2016

Bamyan Is in Natural Prison

Bamyan is a mountainous province of Afghanistan with very bad transformation ways and some place of Bamyan has not any road for vehicles and people use from donkey instead of vehicles.

Bad ways of transformation cause that people of Bamyan do not develop and live with mountain problems in natural prison.

Bamyan is as a heard of Afghanistan which is not neighbor to any foreign countries and there is no any high way to connect Bamyan to any border of Afghanistan.

The high ways which connect Bamyan to borders do not construct by government of Afghanistan and keep these people deprived for example the high way of Gardan Dewar which connect Kabul to west was not constructed in 15 years.

High ways of north to south which transfer from Bamyan and release Bamyan from natural prison do not construct by central government.

Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan promised people of Bamyan during presidency campaign that he will release central regions of Afghanistan from natural prison that has not attention up to now.

Removing of Native Culture in Bamyan

Bamyan is famous with its folk arts that accepted as a creative city by UNESCO in Dec 2015 and Bamyan is also the cultural capital of SAARC.

Native culture is removing by coming telecommunications services, access of people to internet, access of people to public media though satellite… cause that people follow other culture and forget their native cultures.

Illiteracy of people cause that people do not know about the value of native cultures and escape from them.

No attention of public media to native cultures and program to make aware people about value of native cultures cause that foreign culture replace to native culture.

Inefficient of Information and Culture Department also cause to people got away from their cultures.

As I know from my childhood in Bamyan women come together for saying local poems and do local dances and other playing that is belong to Bamyan that they are not common now and removed from our cultures.

The ways of wedding also completely changed in Bamyan, in the past people had local theaters, dance, playing both men and women that there are no now.

Local poems, fabulous, story, the of ways of wedding and dying are removing and replace the new culture that people watch in TV or come by people from other countries.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Lie in Reporting Conference

Annual reporting conference of government to people conduct in Bamyan to share activities of  government to people and prevent from mistake and experience the good governance in Bamyan province of Afghanistan.

This year also annual report conducted in center of Bamyan for two days with presence of journalists, governmental organizations, NGOs, CSOs, CDC, provincial council CDC … members.

There are some criticisms about this annual reporting conference that people were not aware about action plan of government and presented to this conference with no awareness that could not ask about activities of government and NGOs.

Lack of information of some people about activities caused that some participants could not ask and just be as audience in this session.

Less information caused that government say lie or present lie information for people and people could not realize them.

When asked from university of Bamyan that some teachers of university also work in other organization besides of teaching that is opposite of law and head of university rejected which was the wrong answer and no one criticized for wrong answer.

There are so wrong answers and information that shared with people and no one criticized about them.

Short of time was another problem of the conference.

Government just conducted so call conference of reporting and close the mouth of people and show that they believe to good governance.

If government want to establish the good governance should be accountable in all times, implement the transparency and should share the action plan with people.

Black Wednesday

Yesterday evening suicide attack happened in vehicle of Tolo TV workers in Darul Aman, Kabul that sacrificed 7 staffs of movie Group 2 women and 5 men and injured many of them.

Journalists gathered in Kabul and denounced the suicide attack on Tolo TV workers and announced journalists do not accept any agenda the only agenda for journalists are the rule of journalism and announced the date of suicide attack will record as a black Wednesday in the history of correspondents.

Many people from different types and different places of Afghanistan denounced the suicide attack and announced the freedom of speech does not shut up in Afghanistan and they will continue the way of last day sacrificed.

This is not the only attack on journalist in Afghanistan and a lot of journalists lost their lives in Serena Hotel and other places of Afghanistan.

Freedom of speech and development of media is the big successful of Afghanistan in 15 years after Taliban regime that no media activate in Afghanistan the only media was the sound of Shariat that broadcast Taliban issues.

After Taliban many media started their activities in Afghanistan that some people believe no one can stop the activities of media in Afghanistan.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Conference Reporting of Government to People

Conference of reporting of government to people conducted in Bamyan province of Afghanistan about two days.

In this conference government organizations, NGOs, CSOs, civil activists, human right activists, women rights activists, journalist, provincial council members, CDC members… participated.

All sectors of government presented their activities to participants and then people asked about the presented issues.

Conference Reporting of government to people conducted to all districts of Bamyan for establishing of good governance.

For stabling of good governance is so useful to gather people and government officials and discuss about problem of society and find solution way for problems.

CDC members cannot write their questions because of they cannot ask the question if the asking the questions was orally CDC members could ask their questions.

Quartet Peace Talking in Afghanistan

Quartet peace talking conducted in Afghanistan in 18 Jan 2016 that foreign minister of Afghanistan presented the suggestion of Afghanistan.

In this session they drew the picture of peace way and how to share Taliban in peace talking and from informal addressed broadcasted that government of Afghanistan will meet Taliban before third quartet peace talking.

After second session government of Afghanistan was satisfied about the result of peace talking.

But suicide attack also continue in Afghanistan that this evening suicide attack addressed the vehicle of Kabora Movie Maker and killed 7 and injured many members of this group.

People of Afghanistan are worry about the result of peace talking and 80 million USD spent in Peace High Commission that has not any result and if 80 million USD spent to security forces the situation was not like this.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Missile Attack in Italia Embassy

Missile attack in Italia embassy to night in Kabul the capital of Afghanistan happened that tomorrow will conduct quartet peace talking among Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and USA for the second time in Kabul.

The first quartet peace talking conducted in Pakistan that Taliban representatives were not present and have agree and disagree about the result of this session.

Foreign minister of Afghanistan announced that Afghanistan will participate with a specific suggestions.

To this sessions will specify the ways of peace of Afghanistan with Taliban.

People of Afghanistan do not believe to Pakistan and just are optimistic about role of china and USA.

Missile attack in Italia embassy to night show that there is some terrorism groups who do not want to ensure peace in Afghanistan and I think this attack has a message that Taliban do not want to peace in Afghanistan.

Another attack in Jalal Abad in a home is another reason that Taliban are interest for killing of Afghanistan people.

Emphasize to Reform Election System

Spokesman of Executive director announced about reforming of election of system that is in bilateral agreement of National Unity Government which signed by president and executive director when National Unity Government formed.

The spokesman added that the next election of parliamentary and district council will conduct with new commissioners of election commissions after reforming of election systems.

Present election commissioners have done the big corruption in the previous presidency election that National Unity Government formed.

People and international community cannot trust to present election commissioners and the present election commissioners announcing is not valuable.

Usof Nooristani the present head of election commission announced yesterday that he will announce that the date of parliamentary and district council elections on 18 Jan 2015.

Some lawyer believe if president Ashraf Ghani does not request from supreme court to describe the legislative decree that rejected by parliament or prepare a new legislative decree about election system reform  when parliamentarian are in winter holidays.

It is a big obstacle in front of next parliamentary and district elections that will conduct after National Unity Government forming.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Nooristani in Parliament

Nooristani the head of election commission presented in parliament today and said that he announce that date of parliamentary and district council elections in Tuesday 18 Jan 2016.

Reforming of election will face to a deadlock if government does not do a serious action and do not want description about election law from Supreme Court of Afghanistan.

Parliament rejected the legislative decree about reforming of election commissions and election law because of the present commissioners of election commission’s address them as commissioners in the next elections.

Parliamentarians have not the same idea about election system and have different thought about reforming of election, some of them believe that a national session (Loya Jirga) conduct and choose a new president.

Some parliamentarians believe that elections law and election system should reform and parliamentary election should conduct.

Some parliamentarians want that election conduct with present commissioners that is opposite of people and the international community.

International community and people emphasize reforming of election commissions and if election commissions do not reform the world will not help the election of Afghanistan.

Oppositions also have different requests that they want Loya Jirga for changing of constitution and creating of executive director. And another opposition request Loya Jirga for choosing of new president.

People and Police

There is no good relationship between people and police in Afghanistan, in some places of Afghanistan people do not help national police and help terrorism.

We have not professional police in Afghanistan to behave as people want and people do not feel insult.

National police go in fight and do the job of army in Afghanistan that other countries police do not do and police are honest to defend from this country.

Corruption in all parts of government cause that people cannot trust to government and help it.

Present services according to discrimination and distributing of power among some powerful men.

No equal services among provinces of Afghanistan that Bamyan has less budget from a district of Helmand in one year had 17 million USD and a district in Helmand had 52 million USD.

Create obstacle in front of development of some provinces that government does not construct the high way of Kabul- Herat through central regions and high of Mazar-i-Sharif- Qandahar that government officials announced constructed of the high way.

Besides all of the above problems people of Bamyan help national police and rule of law in Bamyan but other provinces of Afghanistan that get a lot advantage from central government do not help the government.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Peace Talking and Challenges

Preliminary quartet peace talking among Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and USA started in Pakistan at 11 Jan 2016.

The next session of quartet peace talking will conduct in Afghanistan on 18 Jan 2016.

Some people have not believe that peace talking cannot ensure peace in Afghanistan because the following points:

There is no unity idea inside of Afghanistan and also peace talking is unknown for people of Afghanistan and just presidency palace know that what they want from peace talking.

When peace talking finished in Pakistan the USA representative came in Afghanistan and described the issue to executive director of Afghanistan that discussed in peace talking and it shows that executive director is unknown about peace talking.

Another problem is no honesty of Pakistan that some people believe Pakistan support Taliban and in winter they save time for Taliban to equip itself and make busy Afghanistan with peace talking and deceive the world that Pakistan want peace in Afghanistan.

Some people believe until the border problem between Afghanistan and Pakistan does not solve peace does not ensure in Afghanistan because interfering of Pakistan to Afghanistan.

Some people believe, if Afghanistan does not decrease the role of India inside of Afghanistan, Pakistan continue interfering in Afghanistan and peace does not ensure in Afghanistan.

USA Announced ISIS Is Terrorism

Government of USA announced that ISIS is a terrorism group in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

USA will boycott the financial system of ISIS in Afghanistan and Pakistan and will attack to its bases in two countries.

If world differentiate the terrorism groups and boycott some of them and help some of them, terrorism will not remove from the world.

Taliban is another group that does terror activities in Afghanistan and killed, injured, kidnapped, innocent people more than from every other terrorism groups.

Taliban is not terrorism group as a point of USA and USA does not boycott financial system of Taliban.

Taliban and ISIS both of them kill innocent people and that ISIS came about year in Afghanistan and Taliban came in Afghanistan about 20 year ago from Pakistan.

Taliban created insecurity in Afghanistan for 15 years that there was no ISIS, Taliban does accept the international conventions and constitution of Afghanistan.

Taliban supported Ben Ladan that he attacked in Business Buildings of USA that galvanized attack of NATO in Afghanistan.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

No Presence of Women in Peace Talking

Women are not present in peace talking that is started in 11 Jan 2015 in Pakistan among Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and USA. This session was the preliminary session that Taliban were not present and the next talking will conduct in Afghanistan in 18 Jan 2015.

In this quartet peace talking also women are not present that women activists are worry to lose all 15 year development about women rights in Afghanistan and return to before to 2001.

Taliban ruled in Afghanistan before 2001 that put a bad picture about women rights, Taliban did not allow women to work outside of homes and study, if women with open face went to outside of home Taliban punished them.

Taliban believe that women are belong to inside of home and women should be in home to prepare facilities for husbands and wash dishes and clothes and train children…

Afghanistan is the member of 1325 United Nation Resolution since 2001 and according to this Resolution Afghanistan should share women to peace talking.

Women were not present in before peace talking between Afghanistan and Taliban that conducted secretly or obviously.

Election Should Conduct

Civil organizations conducted a press conference in Kabul and emphasized for reforming of election system and requested from government to conduct election in next year.

It is the time that choosing committee started its work for introducing the new commissioners for election commissions to president of Afghanistan.

Parliament of Afghanistan rejected the legislative decree of president about reforming of election systems that cause criticisms of civil society and called the rejection of election law is not according to Afghanistan benefits and constitution.

Present commissioners announced their opposition to reforming of election systems and they announced that they will announce the date of parliamentary election.

Anwar Haq Ahadi the previous finance minister with his group announced today that the National Unity Government is completely unsuccessful and they requested the soon presidency election and this government is not acceptable for Afghanistan people and people cannot bear it.

People are worry about election and if election does not conduct, Afghanistan will go back to before 2001 and all development will delete.