Friday, 6 November 2015

What is my sin?

I did not rob anything from people I just was in my home and served my family honestly everything my father, mother and elders ordered I have done even I have not allowed to go anywhere a lone without permission of my parents so what is different between me and slave.

I have not done bribery and corruption or I have not opportunity to face with bribery and corruption but all people who robed, did corruption their situations are very good and have high position in government and can do everything that they want.

My life limited to my home and small village when made me aware that my parents want from me to marry with a man that I did not want him, my parents not only made aware me but made a decision which I have to marry with a man that they want.

It was so horror they interfered to my private life, I thing for this wedding I am not fortune and knew my family did not want my fortune it was so shameful.

I thought a lot and could not find any solution, secretly I made a decision to marry with a boy that I loved him but we could not, at the end we left the village and were eloping with my lover boy that we arrested by Taliban unfortunately.

Eloping cased death of me and they called it is opposite of Islam for this I recognized criminal and stoned by warlords and older men, they put me in a hole and gathered around me for throwing stones through me on that moment I shouted what is my sin? but no one realized me, I knew how I am incurable.

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