Sunday, 15 November 2015

Muhammad Muhaqqiq Traditional Leader

Muhammad Muhaqqiq is a religious man and his study is in religion field, he belong Hazaras and his fans were also Hazaras.

He fought in against Russia in Afghanistan and in civil war he was in Mazar-e-Sharif one of commander of Wahdat Party and fought against Taliban in Mazar-e-Sharif and Dara-e-Sof district of Samangan Province.

When Taliban defeated in Afghanistan he became minister of plan but resigned soon from his position and acted as opposition of government and criticized government.

He separated from Wahdat Party that leader is Muhammad Karim Khalili after Mazari and formed another political party.

And he so call defended from Hazara rights, he advocated one time for Behsood when Kodhi attached for this he became famous among Hazara.

In election majority of votes of Hazara were belong to Muhaqqiq, for one time he was presidency candidate and got third position in election.

He was representative of Kabul in Parliament and he was the first position of election in Kabul according to votes.

In second presidency election supported from Karzai then became opposite and also criticize Karzai politics.

In third presidency election he was second vice of Abdullah Abdullah when National Unity Government formed he got second vice of executive director Abdullah Abdullah.

Hazaras concept was that Muhaqqiq will support Hazaras and defend from their rights, when 31 Hazaras abducted in Zabul province government did not do serious action.

7 Hazaras (a 9 year old girl, 2 women and 4 men) beheaded people brought dead bodies coffins from Zabul to Presidency Palace.

In this protest Muhaqqiq called all protestors gangsters and insulted people… people got angry with Muhaqqiq and in following protests crossed photo of Muhaqqiq and shouted slogan against Muhaqqiq.

Now cleared all trying of people was about power not people, now he is in power and he forget Hazaras.

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