Child foundation library established today in
center of Bamyan with speech of some men and recitation of poem by some
children on the library and saying childhood story for the participants.
In this
inauguration session a photo exhibition also established to show those photo
that migrant library distribute books for the children in villages about past
four months.
4 months
ago a migrant library established with a 200 books for children and a man transfers
the books with bicycle to villages for children in center of Bamyan.
The founder
of the library said today that people of Bamyan accompanied the migrant library
and he complained from short equipment and he added if he has a vehicle, he
will transfer the books to other far villages of Bamyan and he said he just gives
3 children one books because shortage of books.
It was
a creative work that established a migrant library with private budget in
center of Bamyan and now it changed to a foundation of child library to prepare
books for children and children release from nonsense works in the lane.
In the
country that all people are effected from war and insecurity in Afghanistan some
people find do initiative work and create hope for the continuation of life and
make busy children with studying from the childhood.
the mentioned library there is not library to prepare books for the children in
Bamyan province.
of the mentioned library can establish the studying culture from childhood in
the society that people are not familiar with studying and do not spend their
free time to reading of books and magazines.
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