Saturday, 13 February 2016

CSOs and Financial Challenges in Bamyan

People of Bamyan were symbol for civil movement in Afghanistan and did the creative civil movement that other provinces of Afghanistan followed them for advocacy of their problems.

In the regional at the first time Kawa Ahangar advocated against cruelty and collapsed Zuhak and raised the flag of freedom.

In 14 resent 14 year also people of Bamyan did unique advocacy like presenting of certificate for donkey, presenting of kerosene lamps to president Karzai, Obama and Ismail Khan the minister of Water and Energy of Afghanistan.

CSOs in Bamyan have a faced with a big problem of budget and international community decreased the helping of CSOs and government of Afghanistan has not program to support CSOs.

Without budget CSOs have not any meaning and they will delete from Afghanistan and it is a big waste from Afghanistan people that lose all development about CSOs and government will running to monarchy or other types of cruelty of governments.

There is necessary need to find a solution ways for continuations of CSOs working in Afghanistan otherwise we will got disadvantages. 

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