Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Secret Help of ISIS

Zaher Qader the first vice of lower house of parliament announced that he will ordered to his troops that fire to unknown air plane that come down in ISIS area in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.

Qader said unknown air plane come down in ISIS area about 15 minutes then leave the area.

Qader said that government prepare the situation that ISIS beheaded the people of Afghanistan and he added if Taliban and ISIS fight, some air plane found and attack to Taliban not to ISIS.

Before Russia magazine by the name of TASS broadcasted a report that Hanif Atmar the security adviser of President Ghani and Masom Stanikzai the supervisor of defend minister of Afghanistan with help of western countries carry ISIS from south and east provinces to north and north east provinces of Afghanistan the neighborhood of middle Asia countries and Russia believe that western countries support ISIS because Russia support Taliban against ISIS in Afghanistan.

Some politicians claim that Pakistan is the supporter of terrorism and support Taliban and ISIS against government of Afghanistan.

There is unbelievable situation that who or which countries help ISIS, government of Afghanistan, Pakistan or western countries?

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