Thursday, 24 March 2016

Taliban Fight Afghanistan Each Other

When the death of Mullah Omar the previous leader of Taliban announced Taliban divided in two parts with the leadership of Mullah Rasoul and Mullah Mansour and now the two leaders call eligible themselves for leadership of Taliban.

The two groups are not unity and fights against each other in Afghanistan that kill many of their soldiers and call non-Muslim the opposite of Each other and claim the opposite group is support by Pakistan that want make awful Taliban.

Taliban is a terrorism group which came from Pakistan and occupied 90 percent of Afghanistan and made a government for having power of one race of Afghanistan and with no rights for women and other people of Afghanistan.

Taliban killed Abdul Ali Mazari the leader of Hezbi Wahdat Islami Afghanistan in meeting and then fought with other groups of Afghanistan with the support of Pakistan government.

Taliban did genocide in Mazar-i-Sharif and Bamyan and destroyed home of people and burnt them, Taliban did not accept other sects and religions of Afghanistan and they want other people should accept its sects and follow them.

Taliban killed Masoud and Al-Qaeida attacked in USA business center from Afghanistan that provoked Attack of NATO in Afghanistan and defeat Taliban and formed a new democratic government.

Taliban also support by Pakistan and fight against new government of Afghanistan that continue up to now. before one year the death of Mullah Omar the leader of Taliban announced and Taliban separated with two groups and fight against each other.

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