Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Long Life of War in Afghanistan

If we search the history of Afghanistan and listen to unwritten stories of Afghanistan and read fabulous about history of Afghanistan we find war along the history of Afghanistan and before of Afghanistan.

Fabulous and unwritten stories make aware us about the war between Iran and Touran on the very past time and some countries do not exist in this territory but on the time people like to fight with each other and people honor the fighter men as a hero and appreciate them in presence and stories.

This territory also was the witness of fight of Skandar Maqdoni who attacked in the territory with a big army and occupied here and ruled here for a long time that remain the result of the mentioned era in Afghanistan in all sides like industry, culture…

Attacking of Islam to this place and occupying of this area by Islamic army and making this people Islam also happened in the past in this territory that people of this area experienced a hard lives with war.

Fighting of Ghaznawian, Saljuqian and Ghorian continued several years in this territory just proud kings of the era mentioned to our history and no one wrote about depriving of vulnerable people and situation women and children, we just can find poems and stories about modifying of kings.

Getting power of Ahmad Shah Abdali and naming this territory by the name of Afghanistan started a new fight and increased racial discriminations and fight started on getting power among close relationship among brothers and other relatives.

Up to now war continue and someone prefer war than peace and continue war and kill people and make peace impossible and remove peaceful lives for innocent people and sacrifice vulnerable people.

Up to now some people proud to brutal action and want the power just to their tribe and do to accept other races to be on the power and have the equal rights. Some people believe that someone have and someone have less rights and some are for power and someone are for servant and the majority tribe should rule on other races.

If the idea of war does not remove from mines of Afghanistan people, if people of Afghanistan do not prefer peace than war, if we do no honor the rights of each other, if we do not want facilities for all, if we do not want social justice… we cannot ensure peace in Afghanistan and war rule in our minds and lives.

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