Saturday, 28 February 2015

Snow Moving

Afghanistan is a weak country that natural disaster destroy it every year, this winter snow moving destroyed a lot in Afghanistan in some provinces like Punjshir, Badakhshan, Bamyan, Daikunki… and kills more than 200 hundreds people.
Afghanistan government announced 3 days mourning about this happening.
Government do not help survivals enough, civil activists, journalists went to in the places of snow moving and sympathy with survivals.
In Bamyan province whole family in a home sacrificed with snow moving at night with sheep and other animals.
In Daikundi a road got gap and vehicle went through it and killed all passengers.
In Punjsheer and Badakhshan… snow moving killed people and damaged everything.
 Some high ways and subways are stoppage from snow.
Government just watch and sympathy with survivals do not do anything more.
30 Hazara arrested Qandahar-Herat high way by terrorists five days ago and government do not do anything to release them.
I ask for what government made? If government do not ensure peace and save people from disasters.
Government just deceive people and work to their benefits, officials have a good lives but people die from starvation and sacrificed with a simple disasters.
And do not ensure peace and establish racial discriminations and rule on people.

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