Sunday, 8 February 2015

Bringing reform in election commission of Afghanistan

Presidency election of 2014 ended with criticizes and corruption that Afghanistan pass a crisis it was near that war begin again in Afghanistan. The main reason was corruption in election even corruption by election commissioners.
At the end a united government made in Afghanistan from both of presidency candidates teams Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmad Zai. They sign a letter that bring reform in election commission of Afghanistan at the first opportunity.
Spokesman of Abdullah Abdullah emphasize we will bring reform in election commission, it is the best for bringing reform.
Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan elected Sarwar Danish the second vice of Afghanistan to bring change in Afghanistan IEC.
Sarwar Danish according to Presidency instruction should collect advice from CSOs and Afghainstan Independent Commission. This issue make worry CSOs because they believe Election Commissioners made a big mistake in previous election and there is no need to get advice from mistakes or government want to repeat the previous mistake. Sarwar Danish emphasize it just knowing the idea of Commissioners not repeating of mistake in future elections.
CSOs emphasize for bringing reform in election commissions now and it is the best time for bringing reform because parliamentarians are off.      

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