Saturday, 28 February 2015

Snow Moving

Afghanistan is a weak country that natural disaster destroy it every year, this winter snow moving destroyed a lot in Afghanistan in some provinces like Punjshir, Badakhshan, Bamyan, Daikunki… and kills more than 200 hundreds people.
Afghanistan government announced 3 days mourning about this happening.
Government do not help survivals enough, civil activists, journalists went to in the places of snow moving and sympathy with survivals.
In Bamyan province whole family in a home sacrificed with snow moving at night with sheep and other animals.
In Daikundi a road got gap and vehicle went through it and killed all passengers.
In Punjsheer and Badakhshan… snow moving killed people and damaged everything.
 Some high ways and subways are stoppage from snow.
Government just watch and sympathy with survivals do not do anything more.
30 Hazara arrested Qandahar-Herat high way by terrorists five days ago and government do not do anything to release them.
I ask for what government made? If government do not ensure peace and save people from disasters.
Government just deceive people and work to their benefits, officials have a good lives but people die from starvation and sacrificed with a simple disasters.
And do not ensure peace and establish racial discriminations and rule on people.

Friday, 27 February 2015

I Missed Ski Challenge

The weather is sunny and very cold, I went a town that is near of my home, it was Friday I wanted to see my friends and my hometown residences. All things were normally and men sat in front of shops for getting warm.
I met some of my friends and I asked the rest of my friends, they answered me, they went in ski challenge, the time was about 11:00 AM and I could not went to there, I was late.
Last year I went to ski challenge it was very wonderful and we had a good time there with some friends.
I were waiting to watch this year ski challenge also but I could not.
Last year the first and second winners were from Bamyan among foreign and interior ski competitors, this year also a boys from Bamyan got the first position among forty competitors that twenty of them were from foreign countries and twenty of them were from Afghanistan.
It if the fifth international competition that conducted in Bamyan.
Bamyan is a mountainous and snow full province and it is suitable for ski.
Traditional ski also exist in Bamyan and children ski in winter by normal shows. 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Genocide in Afghanistan

Genocide is an awful action that happened in some area by some criminal people.
It is also in Afghanistan and it started from Abdul Rahman era that killed many Hazara people and killed 63 percent of Hazara and sell Hazara as slave and take their properties.
It did not stopped it continues up to now and every places some people kill Hazara in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It just changed its form.
Abdul Rahman killed people and sell people obviously now they kill Hazara secretly.
In Pakistan they kill Hazara in mosques and buses and differentiate Hazara from non Hazara.
In Afghanistan also they are killing Hazara in way and separate Hazara from non Hazara and kill Hazara and release non Hazara it happened in Ghor way, Jaghuri way, Urozgan way, Bamyan way.
Officials do attention to this crisis both Afghanistan and Pakistan countries.
Hazara is peaceful people and do not want to war, first of all Hazara put their guns in Afghanistan and work for a better Afghanistan.
Some fanatic people do not accept that Hazara be a part of country and they try to kill Hazara.
Hazara people ensure peace in their region by the help of national army and police.
They are threaten from the ways that connect them to other people area.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Talking with Taliban

Afghanistan government want to talk with Taliban for ensuring peace in Afghanistan. Some days ago Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan said to Hamid Karzai the previous president of Afghanistan and other powerful men in causal that Afghanistan government want to talk with Taliban obviously.
It cause criticism to lose something that come out in 13 years, by helping of united nation and NATO forces. Women rights are a big outcome that Taliban did accept in their era and believe women do not go out of homes and she stay only in home and cook food, wash dishes and clothes and train children. Women do not show their face to other men and do not go out without Boqra.
Religious and statement freedom are also exist that Taliban did not accept them. Civil activists and women rights activists are worry that this talking will dissolve all out come and we return to Taliban era.
Civil activists wanted to delete High Peace Council because it spend a lot budget but did not any advantage.
Government said this talking is obviously but not dissolve the all outcome but we will pay a big penalty.
Afghanistan and Pakistan both of them want to ensure peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan and talk with Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahid spokesman of Taliban reject this talking.
Pakistan has presented some Taliban in Ialamabad for talking.
Politicians says Taliban expired IS replaced it and this talking has not benefit for Afghanistan.
Some people criticisms and they are doubtful about honesty of Pakistan and they say Pakistan is not honest about Afghanistan and they do not want to ensure peace in Afghanistan and they just deceive Afghanistan and world.
Parvez Musharaf the previous president of Pakistan interfered in Afghanistan and developed Taliban because Afghanistan had a good relation with India the arrival of Pakistan.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Health services in Afghanistan

Three decades war bad effected in health services, war caused that students cannot continues lessons in medical faculties, hospitals destroys or no one do not attention in health services.
During war some people who are able to read and write, they were doctors that obviously caused the death of normal sick.
This situation did not stop unfortunately continue up to now, some people that were drivers or guards in a clinic now they are doctors, no one can prevent them because they supported by some powerful men.
As complains of people in local area some act as nurses or doctors that they do not know how to inject.
Medicines are not enough in hospitals and clinics and people say doctors sell medicines out of hospitals and clinics.
Doctors do bad behavior with people and sick and from some of them want to come on private of doctors health centers.
Policy is not good in Afghanistan, government of Afghanistan render health services according to population of every place and do not attention on distance.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Valentine Day in traditional culture

Afghanistan is a traditional country that people love each other in Afghanistan traditionally. Feeling love is also difficult sometimes should pay penalty about love. For example if the family girl know you are a lover, they will threaten you on death, you have to escape for a long time.
Mentioning love is not taboo and being as a lover and be loved is taboo in some traditional culture. Sometimes loving of people are interpret against religious.
Love sometimes belong to Satan in traditional culture, you cannot say I am lover or beloved, if you say this you destroyed everything. You put their foot on ancestor customs.
Even girls have not right to choose their husband, her parents force her to accept the husband.
Girls are belong to homes they have not rights to go out of homes without reason, they can go out to bring water or wash dishes and go holly places the most lovely relationship created in the way of bringing water and holly places.
Now, the situation is changing and girls can go school and they are free to go out of home and they can speak with boy trough telephone and mobiles.
Bedsides of all above mentioned things people always narrated lovely story, even they collect in a home from men and women and read and say lovely story especially in winter nights.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Afghanistan foreign policy

Hamid Karzai the previous president of Afghanistan had not a friendly relationship with Pakistan sometimes Karzai called Pakistan as a friend and sometimes claimed that Pakistan interfere in Afghanistan affairs.
Karzai had a good relationship with India that is opposite of Pakistan. India also help for developing of Afghanistan.
Karzai requested India to help army of Afghanistan, after sometimes India answered Afghanistan positively for giving weapon for Afghan national army.
Karzai at the end of his presidency era had a bad relationship with western countries and accused them western countries and Pakistan for interfering in Afghanistan especially to ensure peace. And he did not sign bilateral agreement of Afghanistan-USA.
Ashraf Ghani the new president of Afghanistan has a different relationship with foreign countries, he has a good relationship with Pakistan and China and he had a trip to these countries and wanted from China to ensure peace in Afghanistan and prepare talking sessions among Pakistan, Afghanistan and Taliban.
Ashraf Ghani has not good relationship with India. He also rejected helping of India for national army.
Ashraf Ghani traveled in Saudi Arabia and other Arabic coutries but did not trip to Iran. All of these behavior created a worry atmosphere in Afghanistan that cause a crisis in Afghanistan. Because India is a big donor of Afghanistan than Pakistan. Iran is neighbor of Afghanistan and has big role than Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan, USA is not happy that Afghanistan has a good relationship with China.
Now, the office of previous president announced that Pakistan interfere in security of Afghanistan and do operation in Afghanistan and called this operation of Pakistan obviously interfere. And announced after searching about this issue, will share their awareness with people of Afghanistan.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Bringing reform in election commission of Afghanistan

Presidency election of 2014 ended with criticizes and corruption that Afghanistan pass a crisis it was near that war begin again in Afghanistan. The main reason was corruption in election even corruption by election commissioners.
At the end a united government made in Afghanistan from both of presidency candidates teams Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmad Zai. They sign a letter that bring reform in election commission of Afghanistan at the first opportunity.
Spokesman of Abdullah Abdullah emphasize we will bring reform in election commission, it is the best for bringing reform.
Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan elected Sarwar Danish the second vice of Afghanistan to bring change in Afghanistan IEC.
Sarwar Danish according to Presidency instruction should collect advice from CSOs and Afghainstan Independent Commission. This issue make worry CSOs because they believe Election Commissioners made a big mistake in previous election and there is no need to get advice from mistakes or government want to repeat the previous mistake. Sarwar Danish emphasize it just knowing the idea of Commissioners not repeating of mistake in future elections.
CSOs emphasize for bringing reform in election commissions now and it is the best time for bringing reform because parliamentarians are off.      

Saturday, 7 February 2015


Afghanistan is a poor country, there is no work for women and disabled men, when they are have to fulfil the expenditure of their families, they have to do beggary for fulfilling of their families expenditure.
Some of them are not have to do beggary and misuse from this job and they just want to find money. Unfortunately some wealthy men misuse from children and they collect children from road and they have to do beggary and find money for wealthy men.
Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan where the most beggars are exist, in the road and pavement, and shouting their disability for collecting money. Men, women, children and old men all of them are collecting money.
For solving of this problem government should act seriously.
And find who have to do beggary and who are their jobs beggary, and who misuse from beggars.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Islamic State

Syria is an Arabic and Asian country that Shia government rule there. Asad is a president of there and he also Shia.
Few years ago civil war began in Syria among Shia and Soni that continues up to now. It takes thousands sacrificed.
There are two idea grow up one is humanitarian and another is religious like Shia and Soni, humanitarian and Soni helped opposite of Asad to defend from their rights.
Among Soni people also created an idea to help opposite of Asad to fight with Shia government, they accused Soni government because shortage of their help from opposite of Asad and wish Khalifa (ruler of Islam that select by people).
Two kinds of helping created an Islamic States that are opposite of human, kill baby, sell and take as a slave women, destroy everything…
IS increasing their activities to several countries... now they are getting ready in Afghanistan.
I believe IS found many Soni to work with them, and it is a big threaten for Afghanistan.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan

Election commission is a new organization in Afghanistan that after civil war made in Afghanistan. And it conducted three presidency elections in Afghanistan that in two of them Hamid Karzai was the winner of those elections that third presidency election which at the first time in history of Afghanistan transition happened peace fully in Afghanistan faced with a big problem.
Some problem occurred during election and continued about six month at the end commission of election could not announce the winner of election and a united government made both presidency nominated by help of foreign minister of USA.
That was an illegal action that was opposite of Afghanistan constitution. Election of Afghanistan criticized by some educated people. The representative of EU also said if the law of election does not change EU may not help Parliamentary election of Afghanistan.
Spokesman of Abdullah Abdullah the direction of Afghanistan said, the main request of us are bringing uniform for election commission.
Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan elected Mr, Sarwar Danish the second vice president to change election law and commission.
Parliament also wanted to change the law of election commission but faced to many criticize.
Commissioners of election commissions always defends from last election and they are opposite of any change in election commission.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Awful Influenced

Afghanistan is traditional country, Ulema, Arbab, Khan…. are have an important role in everything in society. Now people aware about modernize and democracy.
Influenced people losing their roles and people do not accept them. In all issues.
Influenced people do not like to people get aware and know about their rights, if this happened influenced will lose their influence.
Influenced people opposite of awareness raising sessions, go to school children especially girls and influenced people related their oppositions to Islam values…
UN, international and national NGOs and government of Afghanistan paid percentage to influenced people and make their roles very big.
Now people recognized influenced people and got awful of them.

Snow and farmers

Snow is a strong resource of water for farmers of Bamyan, Bamyan has high top if mountain like top of Shah Fuladi that is more than five thousand high from level of sea, high tops cause to save snow in all seasons even in summer and fall.
Saving snow change to water slowly in all seasons that farmers be able to use it for irrigation of cultivation.
Majority of people in Bamyan cultivate potato and wheat and Bamyan is famous with potato and these cultivations need to a lot water.
This winter there is no snow to save in mountains, farmers are worry about snow and they believe if this year does not fall snow. There is no water to use for cultivations.
Economy of people belongs to agriculture and agriculture crops, agriculture depend to water, if we have not snow, there is no snow, there is no crops, level of economy of people come down.

New candidate for ministries

Muhammad Ashraf Ghani the president of Afghanistan introduced his nominated ministers after 110 days.
Some opposite criticize Muhammad Asharf Ghani for these candidates because he did not produce experienced persons and he did not attention on racial parallel. All security ministries are belong to one race.

No willingness of people

New government of Afghanistan introduced its ministry candidates after 106 days. Candidates contain young people, educated people and warlord people and three of them were women, and all of them are introduced by warlord people and some of warlords are criticized government because they have not nominated ministers.
Other criticize these nominated candidates because they are not representative of people they are representative of warlords.
Other tribes believe that all key ministries are belong to one race like defend ministry, interior affairs ministry, financial ministry… some races have no importance nominated ministers and some tribes have not any ministers.
It is a big unsatisfied that some ministers hire the ministries for example ministers should pay the specific amount of money for warlord to be as a minister.

Nominated ministers

Passing a discord election in Afghanistan, today the nominated ministers announced by Mr. the head of presidency office Mr. Salaam Rahimi.
After a long time waiting there are no experienced nominated ministers in announced list. All of them are belong to a political party.
They parliament approve these nominated ministers they do bring a change in Afghanistan, because they did not a good background.
These nominated ministers cannot prevent from corruption, because some of them did corruption or supported by leader who did corruption, those people who did corruption are supported by the same leader of nominated ministers and doer of corruption.

Sympathy with sacrificed families of Jaghuri

Central area of Afghanistan is livelihood of Hazara that ended by other area that live other races.
When people of central of Afghanistan want to exit or come central of Afghanistan, they have to pass the non Hazara area, this issue causes more danger for Hazara that more and more innocent people killed in the ways.
Few months ago some people that came from Ghur Province to Kabul in Firuzkoh they killed by Taliban that among of them a new bride also killed, in Balkhab also some innocent people killed by Taliban, in Jalrez and Ghurband also kills people. Since killing of Shahid Zuhak the head of Provincial Council of Bamyan killing of people innocent continue Ghurband. In Daikundi also people kill every day because being of Hazara, in the last week a car that came from Ghazni to Jaghuri crashed to mine and killed all of them even six of them are from one family.
Civil society activists and people came together in city of Bamyan to complain from insecurity of ways.
This gathering started with speech of civil activists and they emphasized danger is near and want from government to ensure security in high ways.
At the end of speech some a car came through gathering and some people that like Taliban stopped the car and came out the passengers, passengers were women, children, old men and young men from different races of Afghainstan. All of them are afraid, Taliban divided them to two groups Hazara and non-Hazara, Taliban released the non-Hazara and killed Hazara.
It is a fact that happened every day in the High way that performed by Performers.