Saturday, 22 November 2014

studying up to grave

Amina is a women from Bamyan that want to bring change in Afghanistan, she wants get knowledge and trains her children with good behavior without killing and injuring idea, she wants to say adult women also can study if government prepare studying for women.
Amina is an adult woman that participated in pre university examination in this year and two days ago, she believe to herself that she can pass the pre university examination if there be transparency. She accept to bear all society opposition against her, and fight with all culture that have disadvantage for people.
She also shows for people once again that knowledge did not know years, sex everyone can learn knowledge, even adult women.
Amina likes to study in her likely college, like other young students that pass the pre university examination.
For what we judge Afghanistan, if we look adult women wants to study in university or those man who wear dress and do suicide attack…
If we compare Bamyan to the pass it is a big change.
Amina wants to say only orphan people are not alone and fight with all problems but adult women also wants to fight with all bad culture.

I want to successfulness for Amina and wish she should success to her lovely college.  

Monday, 17 November 2014


Election is a democratic way for transition, there is no way to choose a leader as a president in peaceful way, the only way is election that we can do transition peacefully.
As we focus in Afghanistan situation in the past, we paid a lot of disadvantage for transition, killing, civil war, insecurity happened in the past because of none peaceful transition.
If do not attention to transparency, justice, freedom of election, it will create crisis.


The weather was cold and clean the sun was behind the mountain, the puddle was frozen, the sound of foot was so loud and there was so calm. I was ready for going to Kamati the village that are far and cold and it has bad road. I walk in the street there is no one just one person that damaged his car and he was waiting for another person to come and repair his car.
I put my hand in my packet and put out my phone and call to driver. Asked him when he came. He said I am coming. I continue my ways and reach in big home. I stopped my walking and stay for coming of car.
When I go in the car, the driver said I forgot the chain and went back for bringing of it.
The car going like other ordinary days, when we reach Kamati, the sun shining was in the top of the mountain opposite of us. There was also calm, the water flows normally with a special sound, the earth was frozen. There was no one, we stop the car.
We went to homes for finding a person.

Violence against women

Afghanistan is a traditional country that pass three decades civil war and destroyed all infrastructure all the live under line of poverty, there is no job, the only that is so much it is violence in all sides even in saying, doing, behavior…
The only thing that is sacrificed they are women who are face to various of violence in homes, out of homes, in society, in work, at study… from difference people, men, violence of women against women…
When a baby born with female sex face to violence, her mother at the first time her mother says about unfortunate of herself for delivering a daughter, this violence continue up to death, it is the biggest and main violence against women that begin violence against women.
Unfortunately some few days ago, a pregnant women, cut her stomach for putting of her baby because of her husband families, and far way of clinic. Now she is in Bamyan hospital, she getting healthy and her baby is also healthy.


A sunny day that everything was ordinary, sun up and wind blowing, every one go for work, student go to schools and university. I also with tiredness go for work, I have a bag that is for my computer that every day I transfer with myself.
My friend that has yellow coat announce Bazar, Bazar… I look that he has white car. I look around myself, that there is no one to go to Bazar, I wait for some minutes, after that I get in the car, I close the door of white car, and put my bag on my leg, then another person get in the car.
Driver moves for Bazar destination that is 13 km far and tarmacked by Japan country, after 15 minutes we reached in Alikain Square that every day I get out from the car, this Tuesday also get out the car like other days.
All the things are simple like every days. The persons that sell fruit and vegetable are on previous places.
I continue my way towards office for walking about 30 minutes, I thing walking is good for my health, walking is also like the previous Tuesday that was cloudy but the difference is that today there is no cloud in the sky but the weather is also cold.
I am breathing faster and faster when I reach near of Baba Mazaari statue which is in another square, I breathe deeply and look there is more wind blowing. I look to my watch that is 8:15 am I continue to walking.

Friday, 7 November 2014


I get out from my home I saw everywhere is dark and both snow and rain are falling everywhere is cloud and the weather is so cold it is the second month of fall, I get in car the stove is on I get warm when I get out the car there is also cloudy and cold the wind is blowing there is no sun shining, I go toward office but in the first of my way there is mountain, I go up slowly and slowly my breath is beating faster and faster, I go up the mountain and walk on the street that goes in the airport when I reach near of airport turn on the right side, I feel warm because of warm clothes. I enter the office there is also cold and we cannot bear in office because of coldness, we stand and go around for warming of our body, it continues up to 4:00 PM and goes for ten days.
Now after ten days when I get up and saw shining from the window and go out watch the clean weather and sun in the sky only, I get ready for going to office, face to a dumb man, we come without talking near to office, now I am in office and the sky is cloudy, the weather is cold. There is center of Bamyan, Afghanistan.


Ashura is the sacrificing celebration for Imam Husain and his follower that are killed by Yazid army in the Karbalaa of Iraq country.
If we think why Husain sacrificed?
As we celebrate mourning session for injured body of Husain not for thoughts of Husain it is a big cruel and we cannot make ourselves by this ceremony. If we want to celebrate from real we just following the thoughts Husain. Husain did not accept corruption, bribery and cruel… for he sacrificed himself. The real follower should follow the idea of Husain and did do corruption, bribery and cruel if we want we celebrate Husain everywhere and every times. Do not bribing is celebrating from Husain and do not corruption is also the celebrating from Husain.
Husain sacrificed for a better society and justice, if do not pay attention on thoughts of Husain we just beat ourselves and hit ourselves and band the roads, abuse sick and neighbor by high sound we are not Husain followers we are the enemy of him.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Adversary is in any culture and nations, each nation hold death ceremony at different ways and different places, but some death ceremony goes out of nation and out of moment it holds in more nations and more than one times. One of them is Ashura that is belong to sheia sect and other sects and religions hold ceremony about Ashura.
Ashura happened about 14 hundred years ago in Karbalaa in Iraq country it is continues up to now in all around the world with different ways some people talk about the reason of Imam Husain revolution and thoughts of Imam Husain but some of people beat themselves and hit them. Some people do welfare actions and help poor people and distribute food for hungry people.
The narration of Karbalaa is different some of them are lie and some of them are not true. For all Sheia Imam Husain is respectful and trusted man.
In Afghanistan also there are hard liner that band roads and hit themselves with blades. Hitting themselves is taboo and opposite of Islam.
Some people get political benefiting and encourage people for hard lining.
In the result we can say Afghan people do not take positive result and they just focus on emotional aspect not thoughts and idea of Imam Husain.
Mullahs just take economic beneficiaries, they do not focus on real happening of Karbalaa, they think how they can earn money.