Focus organization has done a
research about parliament as a point of people that show a big decrease of
trust of people to parliamentarians and based to the research 80% of people are
not satisfaction from their representatives in parliament.
Parliamentarians are corrupted
and have the main role in corruption, injustice and breaking law and just
support the people who are not eligible for the position but parliamentarians
support to employ on the positions.
Parliamentarians just support
their families to be on the power and have good jobs and work for their benefits
and not for people benefits.
People even do not accept the
parliamentarians as their representatives and they do not representative of
them and do not attention on problems of people to solve them as their jobs
according their law.
People will not participate in
the future parliamentary election and people are not sure about transparency in
election and also parliamentarians do not follow their jobs in parliament and
majority of parliamentarians are mafia or partners of mafia.
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