Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commision Bamyan
Rigional Office hold conference about birthday of itself in Noorband Qala in
6/6/2013. In this conference vice of governor, vice of provincial Asembly, General
Razaq from National Police and Detective Ferozi from Attorney general,
Representatives of Civil Society Organizations, UNAMA and university stedents
participated in this conference. All of participants were about eighty but the
majority of them were men.
This conference
started with recitation of holy Quran and Broadcasting of National Voice at
9:15 am. Asif, vice of Bamyan governor opened this conference legally at 9:27
am. He made speech around 20 minutes. He accepted violence in Afghanistan but
it had a lot of reasons. He added government is not the only reason for
violence, he mentioned all of Afghans are responsible for this big issue. He said
us a point of me poverty of economic and cultural are the reasons of violence.
Especially economic has eighty percent effect in violence. Misunderstanding from
religion is another reason of violence.
The second speech
maker was Hayat the authority of AIRC Bamyan Rigional Office. First of all he
thanked from participants. Then he introduced AIHR. Second he described
performance of Bamyan Rigional Office. He mentioned during his speech 2474
persons has complained yet in Bamyan Rigional office, 368 of them were
recognizing violence. He added 73% cases were solving…
He pointed on some
obstacle: 1- making negative idea among people that AIHR is opposite of Islam.
2- Traditional observing in cases…
Shafaq vice
Provincial assembly talked the third. He talked from 10:11-11:31. Shafaq said
AIHR is child it has only 11 years, but fortunately AIHR has done good, but in
some cases has worked slowly. He criticized construction in Afghanistan. He added
we stand for National Voice that mentions all tribes of Afghanistan. But in
Electronic Identification Card does not mention the name of tribes.
At the end
representative of Civil Society Organizations made speech. He said Civil Soiety
Organizations have worked with AIHR as partners and have three warnings in
front. 1- Peace process that is unknown for Afghans. 2- Running to 2014. 3- War
lovers getting power.
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