Thursday, 11 August 2016

Enlightenment and Strategic View to Justice

The important and effective slogan was this “our pain is not electricity, our pain is differentiate” this slogan was become to fluent language of historic perceive and collective consciousness and rapidly changed to perceive, pain and common language of them in whole of the world. But what happen that this situation created once obviously and what were social reason.
In respond has to say that two circulated actions changed pain and perceive from force to action; first the tragic killing of Zabul that were belong to one race and one sect by terrorism group. It was in case that government used from its power on the Hazara region which is under the control of government released some pashtun whom were kidnapped by Jaghori Hazaras and their local supporters for leverage. But this government that has not influenced on the places of those terrorists and is/was weak to implement law on those places. And cannot/ could not to release the hostage Hazaras from tourists and their supporters. At the result slaughtered Tabassum and participants. This tragedy followed by Tabassum Movement. The main goal of this movement besides of profound demonstration against fanatic and their supporters and also was demonstration against discrimination and weakness of government for saving of Hazaras life. In fact in this tragedy was two points which differentiate from other same incidences: first of all abducted people were seized for themselves tribe and sect and killed. Killed depending for their race and sect. it is the thing that has happened against minority Hazaras along history several times in this country. Second operation of government for releasing of Pashtun abducted in Hazaras place resident through law implementation. Psychology of Hazaras recognize easily that ability of implementing of law rapidly on their territory show that they are follower and calm and their territory is under the control of government. So government with this action supported from those people which their territory is not under the control of government which their territory is under the control of terrorists and used their power for them and for this government take the traditional deal and leverage from peaceful and follower citizens and disarmed them against terrorists and their supporters and from other point government could not implement law against terrorists and their supporters or does not do any action to release them that the result was slaughtered of Tabassum and her participants, this incident interpreted by Hazaras a sort of discrimination for supporting citizens, profound of tragedy galvanized historic demonstration against government and fanatic.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Protesters in Balkh: Cut Electricity of Kabul

According to report of Afghanistan area journalists united, some residences of Balkh Province with colleting of thousand signatures against increasing of electricity cost threaten to cut the cable of Kabul electricity if the cost of electricity dose not decreases in this province.
According to Balkh residences talking, the cost of electricity has increased from 4.5 Afs to 6.5 Afs.
Qari Meer Ruin Ansari the cooperator of collecting signatures campaign about increasing of electricity cost says if central government of Afghanistan and electricity providing company of Afghanistan (BRESHNA) do not pay attention to request of them, they will cut the transferring electricity cable from Balkh-Kabul in a big demonstration.
Salam Watandar wrote: Dr. Afzal Haddid, the head of Balkh provincial council know this action of government based on discrimination and want from people of Balkh do not pay the cost of electricity until decreasing of electricity cost
Mr. Haddid says they support from this request of Balkh residences and they transferred the request of Balkh residences to central government.
We also tried to have the idea of electricity providing company of this province to this issue but they did not answer.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Returning to Zero

After studying in school for 12 year and went to university with a hope and passing 4 year university successfully with top score in a top university of Afghanistan now return to the zero point and all the things are useless.

Waiting for 3 years to find a job in governmental organization and without political party I could not find a job in any organizations now missed my all hopes and doing hard work to continue my life.

All the people to see me during hard working make hopeless and about transparency and in Afghanistan after 16 year studying now have to work hard and they ask the studying is for what?

I answer studying is not only for finding of job and studying make every people aware from something and the corrupted government of Afghanistan will not stand for a long time and in a moment the government will form and replace the party everything to based provisional something or prepare the opportunity to do private work.

Everything politically in Bamian and Afghanistan is danger for educated youth and they cannot find their position in the present government and have to leave the country or join to terrorism groups.

Everything slogan in Afghanistan bad in action all the thing is politically and based on discrimination and there is no hope to reform the government and it is very bad to hope collapse of the government instead of powering the government.

The government based on corruption and all kinds of discrimination exist and it is sore on the heart of people and with difficulty should bear it.   

Shayesta Quraishi

Shayesta Quraishi was a 6 year old girl and a refugee of Afghanistan in Waramin, Tehran, Iran when she went out of her home for buying ice cream she kidnapped by a man of Iran on the same lane and neighborhood.

The man of Iran at the first raped her and pour acid to her body and when he called to his friend to help him for carrying of the corpse form his home, his friend called to police and police arrested him with Shayesta burnt corpse.

Father of Shayesta said to media that his 6 year old girl went to the shop of the lane to buy an ice cream but she never return and they went to police station and made aware them to find their girls.

Shayesta burning and rape had a reaction in Afghanistan and Refugee of Afghanistan to Iran and they requested from government of Iran to punish the killer of Shayesta seriously in civic activities.

Refugee of Afghanistan in Iran have bad situation and people and government of Iran have bad behave with them, people of Iran insult and tease the refugee of Afghanistan but none of them got media issue, it is the first time that brutal action of people of Iran broadcasted in media.

Refugee of Afghanistan have any rights to go on court and claim against people of Iran crimes and refugee of Afghanistan have to just bear all crime and cruel by people or government of Iran. 

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Robing of National Asset

High ranking officials are busy how to full their pocket for national budget and employ their families to key positions and get more salaries and have big problems among each other on employing of their families.

There is no opposition to want reform of the government and opposition forms to get more advantage from government of Afghanistan and not form for bringing changes in government.

If opposition employed their families and party to government is satisfy from government of Afghanistan and if cannot get advantage from government of Afghanistan will criticize the government.

There is no political party to represent from all nationality of Afghanistan and every party represent form specific race and in 14 recent year with creating obstacles the national political party does not form in Afghanistan.

Many people are trusted to rob national asset and use national asset to private lives and there are no people inside of government to prevent form wasting of national budget.

Civil society has not any role for monitoring according to law and has not any support by government of Afghanistan and the judicial system is corrupted and cannot punish criminal people.

Corruption, discrimination, no cooperation and inefficient are strengthening inside of Afghanistan that galvanize weakness of government in fighting and presenting services for people.

Government is Busy to Security Problems

Taliban started its attack in majority parts of Afghanistan especially in north and north east provinces and it is near to collapse Kundoz and in Baghlan and Faryab serious fight among Taliban and national forces continue.

Government of Afghanistan is busy with security problems and there is no attention on election reform and conducting election in 1395.

Everything is unknown in Afghanistan and dark future threaten people of Afghanistan, conflict among high ranking officials on getting more power is the cause of all unfortunate in Afghanistan.

Wasting time for peace talking is a big mistake of National Unity Government of Afghanistan to make busy themselves in winter for peace talking and Taliban equip itself from the peace talking opportunity.

If government cannot conduct parliamentary election what will be the future of Afghanistan, democratic government will remain with no conduct of election.

Taliban will occupy some provinces of Afghanistan to find an independent address inside of Afghanistan and will get more advantages from government of Afghanistan to join with government of Afghanistan.

  1. Anarchy is getting strengthen in Afghanistan and rule of law and central government losing their power and people are very worry about the future of Afghanistan.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

The Previous Officials Lose their Equipment

Abdullah Abdullah the executive director of Afghanistan said today that there are some people to lost their power and have not the past equipment because of criticize from government of Afghanistan.

Abdullah added to bring change in Afghanistan and some people do not be on power and want that some people leave their jobs and new people employ for governmental organizations.

Losing of the position and equipment is a natural thing but criticism based on having position and equipment is not logically.

National Government of Afghanistan has many criticism and the government is opposite of constitution and formed on the result of political agreement with 2 candidates of presidency teams.

Even the continuation of the government is under question and some people believe that after 2 year without changing the constitution and establishing of executive director position the government continuation is illegally.

Insecurity and no result of peace taking are other problems of the government to challenge the government and increase the criticisms against government.

Warning of People of Afghanistan for Collapsing of Kundoz

Taliban started its Omari attack in Kundoz that Taliban defeat by national forces of Afghanistan in Kunoz and killed 2 local commanders of Taliban in Kundoz with 80 other Taliban terrorists.

Out of doors of the city of Kundoz is under the control of Taliban and city of Kundoz province is under the control of the national forces of Afghanistan.

People of Kundoz are worry to Taliban occupy once again Kundoz if government does not attention to security of Kundoz, the humanity crisis will happen once again in Kundoz province.

Taliban occupied Kundoz last year on 6 Mizan 1394 and in difficulty national forces freed Kundoz and people of Kundoz sacrificed by this war.

Kudnoz is an important province of Afghanistan that is located in north east of Afghanistan and Taliban has training center there from the past and government of Afghanistan does not destroy it.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Taliban Will Start Its Attacks

Taliban warned that they will start its spring attack in all parts of Afghanistan against government of Afghanistan soon.

Government of Afghanistan announced that the creative is on the hand of national forces of Afghanistan and attacks of Taliban is normally in Afghanistan and national forces are ready to defend from Afghanistan.

Yesterday government of Afghanistan wanted to use from military use against Taliban from the countries that participated in peace talking and singed agreement if Taliban does not participate in peace talking the countries will use from military action against Taliban.

Informants believe that Pakistan will not use from military actions against Taliban and even support Taliban to defeat government of Afghanistan. China also will not use from military against Taliban.

Only USA remain to fight against Taliban or support national forces of Afghanistan to fight against Taliban in this year.

Electricity Change to a Dream

Bamian is a dark province of Afghanistan with no electricity to use for lighting of homes and people of Bamian will wait up to 2032 to government prepare electricity for people of Bamian.

Bamian keep deprive from international community helping to Afghanistan to develop or cause positive changes for people of Bamian.

The discriminations has root to history that Hazars kept deprive from facilities in Afghanistan by kings and just should do hard working and sold as a slave in other countries and 63% of Hazaras did genocide.

The thoughts of being better is alive to minds of some powerful in Afghanistan to prefer other provinces from Bamian to develop and people of it reach to better lives.

Some high ranking officials are deceiving the donors to do not work in Bamian and say lies for changes their mind for no working in Bamian and prefer other provinces of Afghanistan than Bamian.

Even some electricity projects implement in other provinces of Afghanistan by the name of Bamian province for deceiving of international community to work in all parts of Afghanistan that is not right working is to other provinces and the name of working places is Bamian.

Applying for Jobs in Afghanistan

Applying for jobs in Afghanistan without knowing a powerful is difficult and sending of thousands of CV without having party is useless and just for completion of the process and deceiving of donors.

Majority of the employment in Afghanistan are not based on abilities and majority of them is according to parties.

Nowadays I made aware that National Solidarity Program (NSP) announced Social Organizers in Bamyan province of Afghanistan when presenting of the CV in front of NSP door and face with other people who are familiar with NSP staffs told that all the vacancies chose by minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development.

Hearing all the times from corruption and without no ear to listen in justice sound make the people hopeless about justice and transparency in Afghanistan, all the times corruption by high ranking officials but the slogan is fighting against corruption.

If there is any one in the world to believe on justice and ability should know that in Afghanistan there is no transparency in employment and the people can find jobs who are belong to a political party and the people who are not belong to political party and powerful cannot find job in Afghanistan.

Unfortunate start on the time that the slogan is fighting against corruption but acting is all corrupted and wasting the national budget and making their own pockets from national budget.

Afghanistan is like this that a lot of international budget spent in Afghanistan but the result is unknown in Afghanistan and high ranking officials buy building in western and Arabic countries.

Hundreds of project from international community help in Afghanistan are ghost and the budget is spent and the projects are not exist, all the majority staffs of NGO and government are belong to powerful and political parties and the people with full of ability and proficiency are jobless.

Families of Afghanistan Seek Asylum in Europe

Europe countries do not accept the refugee of Afghanistan who are not with their families and 20-30 refugee return to Afghanistan from Europe countries because of no accepting of the host countries.

United Nation announced that a lot of families of Afghanistan interested to seek asylum in Europe countries, the people who went without families in Europe and deported and now want go with their families.

No hope for bright future in Afghanistan people are satisfy to accept all danger and leave Afghanistan to find a good life and hope for continuation of better life.

International community with spent of a lot of money cannot create hope for people of Afghanistan to have peaceful lives in Afghanistan.

Interfering of foreign countries in Afghanistan and inefficient of international community and weakness of government of Afghanistan make the situation crisis and delete all the hopes that created in 14 recent years.

If the situation continue like this the Afghanistan will change to peaceful place for terrorism groups and people of Afghanistan will sacrifice. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Conflict among Races of Afghanistan

Races of Afghanistan do not accept each other and enmity continue among them up to now for many reasons and tribes defeat the other tribes and create disadvantages for other tribes as they can.

Sect is also the reasons of conflict among people of Afghanistan and sects do not accept each other and ordered to their followers to kill other followers sects and the fight followers of sects sacrificed many people in Afghanistan that the enmity continue up to now with many decreased.

Languages are also the other conflict among people of Afghanistan that the past government of Afghanistan tried to delete Persian language that could not and now conflict continue on some words between Pashtu and Persian.

Geography is also the conflict among people of Afghanistan and people doing discrimination against other people of provinces of Afghanistan.

Discrimination among races and inter of races are in Afghanistan so much that is difficult to present solving ways for them.

In Afghanistan there are few people to attempt for friendship of races of Afghanistan and many people want to differentiate of races of Afghanistan to save their power from address of races, sects, language, sect…