Kabul University play the rule of other Universities
in Afghanistan. Now all litracy criticize Kabul University because Kabul
University is start before Tehran University. If we compare two Universities we
see big difference. Tehran University has thousand topics in International
organization. But Kabul University has not any topic.
In past Kabul University had very good quality and accepted students
from other countries. And it was the fourth top university in the world.
Now it is a very bad and awful university. All students are not willingness
with its teaching method.
Social Science Faculty is a corrupted Faculty. All the time students
protest against the head of that faculty. Before eight days 82 students are
protesting against head of that faculty. They do not eight food and drink tea. Unfortunately
ministry of Higher Education defense from him. Officials say these protest
belong to one tribe.
Students protest increased in Herat, Canada,
Bamyan…and many many civil organizations protect from them.
This protest is not racial protest. This
protests are for bringing reform in Kabul university. And remove illiteracy
from Afghanistan. All scholars say this is the beginning point of bringing
reform in teaching method of Afghanistan.